The Unseen University

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The Unseen University

Post by Vanguard » 27 Nov 2011, 23:31

Well, with 1.0 out and working I suppose there's no point keeping this under wraps anymore...

The Unseen University
Protect Yourself with Knowledge

The Unseen University (or UU for short) is a secondary optional learning university under construction as part of the Armitage District of the city of Harbortown. Nestled safely underneath the waters of the HT channel, the University acts as a more advanced counterpart to the Hub Library. While the Library is intended to help new arrivals learn basic skills and the intricacies of the server's mods, the University's focus is primarily on that of advanced application. Farming techniques, alchemy, studies of other worlds, and more.

If you've been in need of finding a way to learn aspects of Minecraft that you don't quite understand, this place was built with you in mind.

The University

UU is located in Harbortown, a major city in Fyra and the first stop on Fyra's western rail. Built underwater with a large glass dome keeping the water at bay, the University's main structure is a large, octagonal tower extending from the seafloor deep underground. Each floor of the University is given a different focus, whether it be enchantments, redstone engineering, and so on. Usually this means displays and exhibits explaining basic application as well as active work stations where applicable.

Unseen University can be found by an entrance in Armitage via a doorway on the all-glass wall. Currently the University building is closed to visitation as it is being constructed. Expect updates on it's opening soon.

Current Plans

Public Enchantment Tables and Brewing Stands - The main reason UU has been constructed is to create an easy barrier for entry in both 1.0's enchantment and alchemy systems. Given the cost of resources needed to make stands and tables not all players may be able to afford these items for personal use. With this in mind, the University is constructing facilities containing these items for free public use. No cost other than your own resources for crafting is needed. These are here for you.

In addition, other rooms containing information on discovered enchantments, recipes for potions, and other useful tidbits are currently planned for construction to make the entire process easier.

The Redstone Labs - Let's face it, redstone can be a tad bit "complicated" when first starting out. No need to fear, we're here to help. Jumping off of the basic introductory course the Hub Library has, Unseen University will give a crash-course on advanced restone usage, including the use of pistons, logic circuits, and more advanced constructs. At last check Harbortown's resident redstone genius was willing to make this a reality, so stay tuned.

Farming and Animal Husbandry - Food. In case you weren't aware it's kind of important, and while most towns have public farms knowing how to farm properly is never a bad thing. All the information to farm any crop you may need, from wheat to mushrooms, will be at your fingertips as well as example farms to give you an idea how to get started. Additionally, spawns permitting, we'll we able to show you how to properly domesticate and breed the various passive mobs running around the world.

Gateways to Other Realms - Thinking about jumping into the Nether, but too scared to give it a try? No worries, we're here to help. Unseen University is slated to have it's own gateway into the Nether along with a well-defended bastion on the other side to work as a jumping off point into a whole new world. If that wasn't enough we'll have information explaining everything you'll encounter on the other side of the gate, from special blocks to mobs and how to kill them.

This is by no means not a guarantee, but if possible we'll try to set up a personal gate to The End as well. Don't get too excited, this may not happen.

Any other facilities, such as university branch mines or the like, are dependent purely on the amount of space available before the UU tower reaches the bedrock. Beyond what's listed above nothing else is guaranteed.

How You Can Help

At the moment UU's construction is a bit behind schedule. I was hoping to have areas for both enchanting and potion brewing ready before the 1.0 update, but alas, that wasn't the case. Floors Two and Three are just about done and we have the supplies needed for enchantment tables, but that isn't enough. Any donations of blaze rods to create the University's brewing stands would be greatly appreciated. We'll build as many stands as resources allow, and any help received will not go un-noted.

Meanwhile, anyone willing to help with digging and excavation operations in UU should either post in this thread or try to contact Vanguard directly in-game. The sooner more floors are carved out of the rock, the sooner more public resources can be set up.

Any help you provide will not only help create what will hopefully be another landmark on the Escapecraft server, but will help future newbies get by as they find there place here. Keep that in mind.

We'll be seeing you soon.


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Re: The Unseen University

Post by XxGhOsTxReCoNxX » 28 Nov 2011, 00:00

That sounds really cool, Van! I can't wait to go to it and explore it!

I'd be willing to donate blaze rods if I can get them. I could also help with digging/building if needed. I'll also help with the stands, cauldrons, potion supplies. I'd be happy to give people tours, too!

So just ring me up ingame and I can come over!

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Re: The Unseen University

Post by Vanguard » 02 Dec 2011, 10:18

We're pleased to announce that the Enchantment Annex is now completed. Eight enchantment tables are now available for public use at any time of day, completely free of charge. These tables can be found on the Second Floor of the university.

Educational resources relating to how enchantments work and identified enchantments are still a work in progress. Expect more updates soon.

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