The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 11 Jul 2011, 20:15

"So, you've quit?"
Bormillio and Galitsky sat awkwardly at the 'Eighth Dwarve's Bar'.
"Yup, I'm done with the police. That mess with the arsonist and Turner, I think any new cop would leave after that," Galitsky said with a small grin.
Bormillio took a sip of his beer as his phone rang. "Shit, I gotta take this, it's my partner," he said, putting the phone to his ear.
After the incident at the hotel, Daniels had recovered enough to take Galitsky's place, and since then, Bormillio had been doing everything to make sure Daniels was safe.
"Christian, we've got a call, some assholes shooting each other again."
"Can't a patrol officer stop it?"
"It's not just a pistol, Christian, they've got explosives. Buildings are getting destroyed. A group of our cars were wrecked. Meet me outside the Golden Hotel, it's got a couple of holes in its walls."
"Shit, alright." Bormillio put the phone away and turned back to Galitsky. "I've gotta go, sorry. We'll catch up later."
Bormillio got up and headed to the exit before turning. He lowered his voice and went back to Galitsky. "Hey, what do you think about coming with me?"
"What are you talking about, Bormillio?" Galitsky asked, thinking the idea was rediculous.
"Sounds like these guys are mafia guys. Maybe you could get revenge..."
Galitsky looked to his drink. "I dunno..."
Bormillo sighed. "Look, I gotta go. If you change your mind, call me. Don't tell anyone we spoke about this. I'll give you a police weapon, just don't get caught. It's illegal, even if you're helping us..."
With that, Bormillio headed off to his car and drove.
Minutes later, Galitsky made his decision.


a) Go with Bormillio, help him fight
b) Stay out of it

Sergei leaped through a broken window, ducking as he went. He dialled Lucia's number as he ran.
"Lucia, are you safe?" he yelled over the gunfire.
"Sergei? We're out of town, on the way to the medic, how about you?"
"Fucking cops are on my ass. Gotta go, I'll call you later!"
Sergei put the phone away and turned a corner, coming out onto a small road. One car was pulled up. He pulled out his two knives and made his way around the car to the driver's seat, ready to take the car.
The windows were tinted, so his smashed one in with his knives. A pistol looked back at him.

Bormillio arrived about a minute before the man arrived, having watched his progression through the city. He pulled up on a small road, and waited as the man smashed the window in.
"Sergei Kozlov, you're under arrest. Put your hands where I can see them," he ordered, before speaking into his car phone. "Daniels, I got the bastard."
Sergei looked around frantically. Knowing he had to get away, he threw his leg up and kicked it out, smacking Bormillio in the stomach. The gun shot, but not where Sergei was. The Russian criminal threw himself to the right and ran through a small arcade. It was there, that he ran into Leaf.
The two stared at each other for a moment, not realising what had happened. Then, suddenly, Leaf raised the machine gun.
Sergei, again, leaped out of the way, past Leaf, who fired.
Bormillio made his way into the arcade, right into Leaf's line of fire. He threw himself to the side, and fired back, around the wall.
"Shit!" he heard a familiar yell. Cautiosly, Bormillio made his way around the corner, where he found Leaf on the floor, his foot bleeding.
"Leaf? What the hell are you doing?"
Leaf moaned. "I...gun...shiiiiit."
Bormillio sighed, "it's just a scratch."
He pulled Leaf to his car and lay him in the back. "Give me the gun."
"I...gun was hard to"
"Leaf, give me the fucking gun, or you're going to prison."
Leaf cried out in pain and handed the gun to Bormillio, who stashed it in his trunk.
He reached for his police radio. "This is Detective Bormillio. I have one wounded civillian, requesting medical assistance."
He waited for a moment before another voice replied. "Detective Bormillio, we can have an ambulance on the way, your location?"
"Fifth street, fourth avenue, South East." Bormillio turned to Leaf. "Now I've gotta wait... you like to cause trouble, don't you?"
Leaf simply moaned in response.

Finally, when he decided he was safe, Sergei phoned Lucia. "Shit, I got away, how about you?"
Lucia said, "On my way to the medic. Joe should be fine. I've gotta go, some cops are driving by, and if they see my talking on the phone, they'll pull me over. And honestly, I don't want them to see my face and throw me in prison for life over a damn phone call."
The two said bye, and put away their phones.
Sergei made his way to a safe location, where he rested for a moment. His phone rang.
Grumbling, he picked it up. "Hello?"
"Sergei? Sergei Kozlov?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"It's... Eric."
"You little fucker!"
"Wait, Sergei. I have an offer for you."
"An offer, why the hell would I-"
"Half the money. You get half the money. You and Lucia."
"Bullshit. How about this? I get $800, Lucia gets $800 and you get $600. That, or we get your head and all of the money."


a) Accept the offer
b) Refuse
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Blank_Kold » 11 Jul 2011, 20:17

I'm not sanctioned for it anymore, any killing I do goes through a three year trial, sorry mate.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by EricSmarties » 12 Jul 2011, 05:16

Ill go with a)

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 15 Jul 2011, 03:21

Christian Galitsky sat at the bar for hours, his sorrow growing by the drink. He wanted the action, he wanted to fight, he wanted revenge... but he couldn't.
He would read about it, watch it, listen to it, tomorrow. He would find out what happened, and he would talk to Bormillio.
For now, however, Christian Galitsky was just another drunken, lonely guy at the bar.

"Alright, Sergei. You can have your money. That's a fair deal. I'll call you later about delivering the money." Eric finished the phone call with Sergei, having agreed on the negotiations.
Finally, he headed to bed and finished with reading the last few newspaper headlines. The majority, he thought, were pointless, and not worthy of the paper.
Woman eats son's toe.
Man sues NASA for brother's suicide.
Mafia shootouts continue.
New law is passed - no ice cream in the shower.
Mayor's son set to leave in five weeks.
Bird flies in to Secretary of Defense's window - possible terrorist threat.
With that, Eric shut his eyes, and slept.

Lucia had nearly arrived when she got the phone call. Sergei explained the new deal to her and waited for a response.


a) Accept. Take the $800.
b) Refuse the deal.

"I'll have to call you back, Sergei. Nearly arrived."
Lucia reached a small fork in the road. Though the road was small, the decision was great and costly. If she took the left, she would head to Dr Pryale's house. He would charge $500, but would put less effort into it, and be more careless. O'Neil on the other hand, was on the right, and would charge twice that. On the other hand, he actually cared about his patients.

Lucia II

a) Take the left.
b) Take the right.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by KaosuHamoni » 15 Jul 2011, 03:39

A, then B, however, I need Joe to take care of the funds himself.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by random980 » 15 Jul 2011, 04:34

No ice-cream in the shower!?
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by EricSmarties » 15 Jul 2011, 08:56

Skunk_Giant wrote:Woman eats son's toe.
New law is passed - no ice cream in the shower.
Bird flies in to Secretary of Defense's window - possible terrorist threat.
Win! i loled :L

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by MKindy » 17 Jul 2011, 23:25

just FYI, on vacation til august 4th. In case you didn't catch my post.

Elias is hiding out in Ontario.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 17 Jul 2011, 23:36

I'll keep him safe.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by EricSmarties » 19 Jul 2011, 12:27

Oh man this is the thread i always check first now :L

Need Moar story!!!

But seriously Skunk Great Work :D

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Iron_Fang » 19 Jul 2011, 13:17

i am back btw =)

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 20 Jul 2011, 03:39

Sorry, holidays over = not much time.
Possibly tonight, but don't expect anything.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 20 Jul 2011, 05:32

Lucia took the right, heading to O'Neil. She quickly got him to help lift Joe into the house, and onto a large bed. O'Neil went out to get his tools, and Joe fell asleep quickly. Lucia took out her phone and called Sergei.
"So what was the deal again?" she asked.
"We get $800 each, Eric gets $600."
"And he shares that with his friend?"
"Didn't you hear? The kid was shot dead right outside a police station. What kind of crazy asshole does that?"
"Someone who lives in Pandora. I'll be in contact with you soon, Sergei."
O'Neil walked back in with a large white bag.
"So, you have the money?" he asked.
"Can Joe just pay you afterwards?"
"I'll need the cash before I start. I trust you Angel, I really do, but I've had too many idiots that I've ended up having to shoot, because they think they can rip off a doctor. How about this? You give me $500, and I'll get the other $500 from him afterwards, then you can just catch up with him and get the money back."


a) Pay O'Neil the $500
b) Don't pay

Christian Bormillio picked up Leaf from the hospital some hours later, after doctors realised the bullet barely hit him.
"You make a lot of fuss about nothing, don't you?"
"Hey, getting shot hurts! I could have died!"
Bormillio just chuckled in response. With no car, Leaf had no choice but to ask Bormillio to drive him home. Besides, he wasn't fit to driver.
Bormillio drove carefully, wishing he could have an uneventful night for once.

But of course, he couldn't.

The car slammed into them from the right, throwing Leaf against Bormillio. "SHIT!"
Bormillio grabbed his gun and got out of the car, turning the siren on, to let people know he meant business. As he got out of the car, he aimed his gun at the two men in the car that had hit them, who were opening their doors slowly.
"Get out of the fucking car! You're under arrest!"
Suddenly, Bormillio heard another smash, and turned to find another car had smashed into his, flipping it on its side. He turned back to the two men, who were now out of the car and both holding guns.
"No, Mr Bormillio, I think you'll be coming with us."
"What the hell is this?"
Bormillio pushed the men aside and rushed to his car, where Leaf was being pulled out through his window by two more men. He grabbed his radio and tried to call for help, but was quickly pulled back.
Some civilians stopped their cars to see what was happening, some calling the police.
The men simply ignored them. Three more cars pulled up, with more armed men getting out. One armored truck drove up, and Leaf and Bormillio were pushed in.
"Hey, what the hell's going on?" Christian screamed.
He was met with a gun smacked on his head.

Luis and Elias started with the well known, but smaller criminals first. They managed to recruit five men originally, who recruited many more quickly. Extremely soon, Elias had previous members of the Turner family and other once independent criminals agreeing to join.
And so, with three other men of the family in the room, Elias and Luis told their plan.
"You see, gentlemen," Elias began, "the underground of Pandora, the crime industry, is all about reputation. It's the same with every other city. You don't get anywhere without a reputation, and you don't get a reputation without some initiative. So, we need to show our friends who we are. We need to start making allies and enemies."
"And that begins tonight," Luis announced. "We need to make ourselves known, so we've come up with a number of options for our big break."
Luis pulled a small whiteboard into the room.
"First of all, we have the bank job. Fairly self-explanatory. It'll bring us some quick cash, but that's about it. The risk is high, and our reputation wont really change, as it doesn't mean anything to the other families. There may be casualties. Next option, is the Cheetahs. Earlier this year, Lombardi sent a small team to take down the Cheetahs. They burnt the whole place to the ground and resulted with the majority of the Cheetahs being arrested. A small group of them started rebuilding though, and now they're getting quite strong. We can go in and take them down, try to remove them from the picture once and for all. That'd get us known, but may backfire, and show us as a new gang instead of a mafia. Financially, it wont make a big difference."
Elias took the stage again. "The next option is the most risky, and probably not the best choice. An attack on another mafia. The pluses to this, is we'd get an instant reputation, and depending on who we attack, it could be an extremely good one. We'd also get some money from whoever we attack, as all the mafias now are quite rich. It may also help us recruit more men. The downside is the risk. It'll be near impossible to pull off, and could end us completely."
"So, what do you guys think?"

Luis (MKindy is Away)

a) Bank Job
b) Cheetahs
c) Mafia Attack (Choose One)

Galitsky woke with a start, and sprung into action. Time seemed to slow as he took in his surroundings. His eyes were shut, so he had no sight. The sounds around him were that of a bar... So he was in a bar or a club...
His heart was racing, he'd been pushed violently while sleeping... But something else.
He was falling.
Galitsky's eyes flew open, and he pushed his arms back, saving him from a concussion to the head at the feet of the bar stool behind him.
"I said, get the fuck up!"
A large guy in his late twenties had pushed Galitsky to the floor, who had probably fallen asleep drinking.
The guy kicked Galitsky in the face, and Galitsky responded with a fist to the balls. Basic instinct.
The guy keeled over in pain, and then picked Galitsky up, holding him by the collar. He pulled his fist back and smacked it into Christian's face, before pulling back for another punch.
Galitsky didn't give him the chance.
He spat in the man's eyes, and headbutted his nose, blood flying.
By now, a crowd had circled around the two, and the big guy was getting angry.
He grabbed a bottle and smashed it, cutting his fingers in the process. He held it in an aggressive manner to Galitsky, ready to fight.
Galitsky matched the bottle with his knife. He pulled the large weapon out and grinned. "You call that a weapon?"
The big guy just yelled and pushed his bottle to Galitsky's throat. Galitsky brought his leg around the other guy's and pulled it back, hitting the guy behind his knees. The man fell to the ground, and Galitsky pushed him down, holding his knife to the back of the man's neck.
"Don't wake a sleeping bear."
He kicked the man's face into the floor, paid the bartender, and left.

"Gentlemen, I hope I can count on you."
Max and Alaitoc nodded, both happy and nervous to be in Lombardi's presence. "We'll get the job done, Sir." Max assured the man.
"I expect so. You'll be joined by at least two others."
"Who are the other two men, Sir?" Alaitoc asked.
"Actually, one is a woman. You'll be accompanied by Sergei Kozlov as well as the Angel."
"Angel?" Alaitoc had heard of her, but he had no clue the stories were true.
"Yes boys. I've given you the brief, go home now. Rest. I'll let you know when this all begins," Lombardi finished. "I expect good results, gentlemen."

Galitsky knew something was wrong. The biggest hint, was the fact that Bormillio's car was flipped and empty in the middle of an intersection.
"What happened?" he asked someone standing nearby.
"Nobody really knows. Sounds like these guys were kidnapped or something."
Galitsky swore and rushed to the car, but was pulled back by a police officer. "Sir, I need you to st-"
"No, you don't understand. I'm... I was Detective Christian Galitsky. That was my partner's car, Detective Bormillio."
"Sir, step back now!" the officer insisted. "I can and will use force if you persist."
Galitsky stepped back into the crowds and thought. What could have happened? Could it be one of the Turner's trying to get revenge? He reached for his phone and called Bormillio. Instead, he received a low, warped voice. It was a voice changer.
"Who am I speaking to?"
"This is Christian Galitsky. I'm being completely honest with my identity, and I want you to be too."
"You'll be disappointed then."
The person on the other end hung up. Galitsky swore and called again. "What have you done with Bormillio?"
"Bormillio is in good hands. He wont get anymore than what he deserves."
"You're a Turner, aren't you?" Galitsky asked.
"A Turner? Of course not. Those assholes are gone. They're finished. No, Christian Bormillio owes us a personal debt. I suggest you stay out of it to avoid a similar fate."
Galitsky hung up. He'd managed to track the signal to a large skyscraper being constructed. It was set to be a hotel, but was abandoned a few weeks ago when the owners ran out of cash. Construction was supposed to begin again within a week... So what was anyone doing up there?


a) Go to the signal, you have to save Bormillio
b) Don't do it. It's dangerous

Leaf's ears rang as he awoke. He looked around to find himself in a small dark room, a table with four chairs in front of him. He looked up to find the source of the pain in his hands... They were hanging by a metal wire. He looked down and found himself hanging about half a metre above the ground. To his left, Bormillio hung too.
"Christian," he whispered, trying to swing to the cop next to him. "Christian!"
"Aww, fuck... what... what happened?"
"We're hanging here... Who the hell is doing this?"
"That's a good question," came a warped voice.
"Who the hell is that?" Bormillio asked, looking around.
"You know me, don't you Christian?" the voice chuckled. "You stole from me, you made my life a living hell. I bet you though I was invincible, didn't you? Like a big brother that you could always count on, always double cross, but always there to protect you. Is that what you thought, Christian?"
"Christian, who the hell is this gu-" Leaf began.
"Shut up, boy!" the voice yelled. "Death threats! So many Goddamn death threats! So much money lost, so much reputation ruined! Because of you, Christian Bormillio! Because of one lousy corrupt cop! I trusted you, Goddamnit! I fucking trusted you!"
"Look, I don't know who you are, but I'm sorry for anything I di-"
"NO! Sorry doesn't fucking cut it. I said sorry to my customers, and they responded with guns. Maybe I should do the same..." the voice laughed madly. "No, that would be far too quick. After all, you have other friends who want to speak to you as well..."
Another voice came on, still warped. "Well, well. Christian Bormillio, the cop, the hero. The hero that tried to ruin me, but brought me up. Can you guess who I am, Christian? I bet you can, if you really try."
"Christian, who the hell are these gu-" Leaf tried again.
"Fool! Leaf, I thought you had learnt your lesson when you were shut up earlier, but obviously you hadn't!"
The metal wire suddenly shocked Leaf, causing him to cry in pain. (-5HP)
"Don't you worry, Leaf, you'll get your chance for a conversation, soon!" the voice finished.
Another voice came on. "Christian Bormillio and Leaf. You two have made my friends very angry, especially you, Christian. So, tell me, do you think you'll survive this? Do you think we'll let you go? Do you think you'll ever be the same again?"
The voice chuckled. "Of course you do. After all, nobody could hurt the great Christian 'The Snake' Bormillio!"
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by KaosuHamoni » 20 Jul 2011, 10:14

*huff* Fine, but I want my money back with interest.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by aflycon » 20 Jul 2011, 10:22


Your message contains 2 characters. ._.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Blank_Kold » 20 Jul 2011, 16:50

Just cuz.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 21 Jul 2011, 06:34

Elias and Luis had made it clear that they would be involved in this fight. They wanted to be there when they took down the Cheetahs once and for all.

And so, when they had gotten their weapons together, Luis, Elias and seven other men kicked down the door to the HQ.
Luis, armed with Elias's second large clip pistol, drew blood first, hitting one of the Cheetahs who tackled one of the Kindigs to the ground. The Cheetah fell back, his head slowly turning red. Then, the screams arrived, and the battle began.

"Have you guessed yet, Christian?"
Christian Bormillio and Leaf were growing tired, and their three captors were just talking to them as though everything was fine.
"I haven't Goddamn guessed! Who the fuck are you and why are you doing this?"
"Christian," the first voice returned, "my friends are in your house now."
"What the fuck? You can't do this!"
"We're looking for what you stole from me. You know what that is?"
"I don't give a shit! We'll be found, and you'll be arrested."
"You stole five fucking thousand dollars from me, Christian. The drugs, remember? The drugs that Fred owed me. The drugs that Luigi Lamborghini were delivering to me. You remember them?"
"Oh shit..." Christian began to realise who his captors were.
The second voice came on. "I should thank you, Christian. Unlike my partner here, I gained an advantage from your lying and cowardice. It introduced me to the great industry of crime. On the other hand, you had every cop in the bloody city on my ass for nothing. Well, that's gonna change, Christian.
"You're probably wondering how this was co-ordinated. Well, it was all through the middle man. The boss. Nicolani."
The third voice came on now. "You see? Luigi works for me now, and he's made a great addition. I would call him your replacement, but he's far better than you ever were."
Luigi, Nicolani, and the mysterious drug dealer that Christian had conned. They were the three secret captors.
"And Leaf, why's he here?" Bormillio asked nervously.
"Because he tried to be loyal to you. Bad choice, Robert," Luigi responded.
A light lit up in the distance, and the three captors walked into the room.

"Detective Daniels?"
"Yes, who is this?"
Galitsky was driving madly to the signal of Bormillio's phone, and he had decided to enlist the help of Bormillio's partner.
"My name's Christian Galitsky. I worked with Detective Bormillio while you were in hospital, and I believe his life is in danger."
"Excuse me? What are you talking about?"
"Detective, I need your help. You know the hotel in the South East of Pandora, the one that was temporarily abandoned?"
"I think he's there. His phone's there."
There was a pause on the other line. "I'll meet you there then."

Lucia paid the doctor the $500 (-$500) and left a note with him, giving Joe details to pay her back, and a nice threat to finish it off.
She drove home quickly where she met Sergei and Eric.
"So, we have a deal?"
"Yes. You and Sergei get the-"
"I know the deal. I was just confirming. So, hand over the cash," Lucia demanded.
Eric passed them each a bag, which they both quickly counted. (+$800) (+$800) (-$1600)

Alaitoc had just hit the couch when his phone rang. After speaking to Lombardi, he and Max had gone their separate ways to relax and prepare for their job.
"You're... you're Alaitoc, right?"
"Who's asking?"
"I need help. I need someone to protect me."
"A bodyguard?"
"Exactly. You up for it?"
"Depends... The details?"
"I'm being paid to deliver a lot of drugs... A lot. I'm worried though. A few months ago, a guy was killed delivering a truckload. I just need an expert to keep me safe."
"The time?"
"The pay?"
"Seventeen Hundred."
"You have yourself a deal."

Galitsky and Daniels met up, and instantly broke into the hotel. It was dark, and silent.
"You sure this is the right place?" Daniels whispered.
"Positive. There must be something, someone around here. Let's go up."
The group made their way up into the eerie, dusty, unfinished hotel. They took the stairs on the outside and used scaffolding to take shortcuts.It took them a while, but eventually, they reached the 27th floor, where they first made contact with a Nicolani.
A man with a cigarette looked up at them and walked over to check their ID's. When he got closer and realised who they were, he raised his gun, but Galitsky fired three times in his head.
"They'll have heard the shots, get ready for more men," he whispered to Daniels, who nodded without turning his head from the scaffolding in front of them. They kept moving quickly, firing through floors of men. Finally, they reached the 32nd floor, where they saw, in the center of the scaffolding, a large black cloth like material covering a large area, almost like a tent. The two cautiously approached the entrance. They pushed through the cloth, their guns raised.

"Gentlemen, nice to see you could join us." Nicolani smiled. They had been ready for this. The mysterious, crazed drug dealer held a gun in the direction of Galitksy and Daniels, while Luigi and Nicolani stood and watched.
"Christian Galitsky, is it? Do you have any idea why Mr Bormillio is here?" Luigi asked with a grin. "And no, it's not because I'm some mad criminal who Bormillio locked up, and I just simply want revenge. In fact, I was never locked up. No, it's because I'm-"
"I know who you are. You're Luigi Lamborghini. Every cop in Pandora knows who you are."
"And that's it, isn't it? That's why Bormillio's here. Because every cop, shouldn't have a clue who I am. I, am not, no, was not, a criminal. Christian Bormillio, is the real criminal."
"What are you on about?" Daniels asked, his gun still raised.
"Mr Galitsky," Nicolani spoke up, "do you remember when you nearly died? When you were discovered as a mole in my mafia?"
"Of course I do."
"You nearly died. You were nearly tortured, because there was a police officer that was corrupt, a police officer you were trying to find. Do you know who it was? Do you know who nearly caused you to be tortured by me?"
"No..." Galitsky muttered. But it wasn't an answer to Nicolani's question. It was a word of shock, as he suddenly realised. More shocked, however, was Daniels.
"Christian?" Daniels looked his partner in the eye. "You're... you're a criminal?"
Bormillio just looked down.
"How could you, how could you help me investigate? How could you luck up those low life scumbags when you were just as bad?"
Galitsky turned his gun between the drug dealer and Nicolani, but spoke to Christian. "So when you wanted to swap jobs with me... You were trying to cover your tracks! That's why you were such an ass to me! Because I was the stupid kid from the streets that would bring your whole career tumbling down on you!"
"And that's what we're celebrating," said Nicolani. "We're celebrating the downfall of Christian 'The Snake' Bormillio. His criminal career and his law enforcement career. After today, no criminal in Pandora will respect you the way they once did. No police officer will think of you as a hero, as they do today. No. You will be nothing. Nothing but scum."
Bormillio still looked down to the ground as Nicolani continued.
"So, Mr Galitsky, Detective Daniels, I'll make you a deal. You walk away now. You tell everyone what you've seen today, and I'll let you live. I'll forget about the men of mine you've killed. You'll be the heroes. The men that uncovered the corruption of Christian Bormillio, the men that faced Nicolani and survived. You will be the real heroes. So, what do you say?"


a) Leave, live, become a hero.
b) Stay! You have to save Bormillio, even if he lied to you!
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Blackadder51 » 21 Jul 2011, 06:38


Son of a bitch!!

The Building of The Imperial City
| The Blackadder Booze Fund

We're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the Stick Insect got stuck on a sticky bun.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by random980 » 21 Jul 2011, 09:47

Blackadder51 wrote::O

Son of a bitch!!
youre getting nothing more than what you deserve.

(and when shit gets hectic, that segway better be ready for me to escape on... :lol: )
Also im loving the fact that, Someone knows im really an innocent man! Look back at what ive done, i cant be charged! Why? Cause Bormillo made me a wanted man. It was HIS actions that made me a wanted man.HIS actions that made me get shot at and return fire in self defense.HIS actions that made me meet Nicolani and it was HIS actions that made me turn to him.
well leaf refusing to help also contributed to me turning to Nicolani but this is about YOU not leaf, come to think of it, it was also YOUR actions that got Leaf unfairly caught up in this. Also its YOUR actions that got both Daniels AND Galitsky shot. Even when you were trying to be good you fucked up. I tried to be a pacifist, really did. But again, it was YOUR actions that made me snap. Youve been digging your own grave since the word go. Now you will learn why you dont fuck with a pacifist, 6 foot 7 Italian giant who can make a damn good spaghetti-bolognas, cause shit like this will come right back at ya.
Have a nice afterlife Bormillo.
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Pinmissile » 21 Jul 2011, 09:56

Hi, I'm not part of this forum game, but I'd just like to say that Random is now my hero.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by random980 » 21 Jul 2011, 10:05

Pinmissile wrote:Hi, I'm not part of this forum game, but I'd just like to say that Random is now my hero.
the fact that you went out of your way to jump in and post that made my day! :mrgreen:
and what can i say, karma's a bitch.
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 21 Jul 2011, 15:10

lol, I just think it's nice that for once, Random's character is getting the bad end.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Blank_Kold » 21 Jul 2011, 18:34

I'll stay, leaving would be no fun.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 22 Jul 2011, 00:40

Derp, in my last post, I meant to say that it's nice that for once, Random's character ISN'T getting the bad end.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by random980 » 22 Jul 2011, 00:54

Well we both know Skunk, my characters love to retaliate...
Eekum Bokum
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Random just won the thread. We should all just give up.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 22 Jul 2011, 03:37

"I say no, Mr Nicolani," Daniels said defiantly.
Galitsky followed suit, "and I too."
Galitsky and Daniels kept their guns aimed, Daniels at the drug dealer, Galitsky at Nicolani.
Luigi stepped into the scene with his gun raised at Galitsky.
And then the firing began.
Galitsky spun and ducked, Daniels leaping the other way. The three captors fired but missed, caught off guard. Galitsky fired back, but not at the three men. Instead, he shot at the wooden beam that held Bormillio's rope, setting Bormillio free. Daniels fired at the three men, keeping them back, while Galitsky shot Leaf's rope too.
The two free men joined the fight, with Daniels passing them spare guns he brought along.

Luis and Elias burst into the next room, firing at a number of Cheetahs. Finally, they reached a fifth room. They had already had some casualties, and there were now only six of them, including Luis and Elias.
The room was packed with Cheetahs, guns raised. Elias, Luis, and the other men fired, taking down a number of the Cheetahs. They took cover in the fourth room, and Luis took a look around the corner.
"There's about seven of them left, all armed, all not injured," he reported.
The two leaders looked at their men. "We go on three," Elias said.
The six men jumped into the room, and fired.


a) Fire to your right.
b) Fire to your left.
c) Fire to the middle.
d) Fire to the back left window.
e) Fire to the back right window.
f) Fire to the back left doorway.
g) Fire to the back right doorway.

Luis II

a) Leap to your right.
b) Leap to your left.
c) Leap to the middle.
d) Leap to the window on your right.
e) Leap to the window on your left.
f) Leap backwards.

Luis III

Here you must co-ordinate Elias and the other four men in your group. Say where you want each of them to fire and where you want each of them to leap. Remember, you have five other men to co-ordinate, and they could all go to the same spot. If two men fire to the right, and three of the Cheetahs leap to the right, only two of them would die.

Eric (Just Randomly Chose you to Control the Cheetahs)

As above. Co-ordinate the seven cheetahs and where you want them to leap and fire. Remember, you outnumber Elias and Luis!
Your options for shooting are -

Your right.
Your left.
Right in the middle.
The window on Luis's right.
The window on Luis's left.
The spot behind Luis.

Your options for leaping are -

Your right.
Your left.
The middle.
The back left window.
The back right window.
The back left doorway.
The back right doorway.

More on the way!

PS - Let me know if this new system is too confusing.
Last edited by Skunk_Giant on 22 Jul 2011, 03:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 22 Jul 2011, 03:39

Derp, sorry! PM me the answers! Forgot to put it in red!

Edit: Fixed it.
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 22 Jul 2011, 03:49

Two of Nicolani's men raced into the room. Bormillio instantly recognised the first one as the man that first grabbed him. He fired five shots straight into the man's head, and took cover again. With one shot left, he leaped out.


a) Leap to your right.
b) Leap to your left.
c) Leap to the middle.
d) Leap under the table.

Bormillio II

a) Fire to your right.
b) Fire to your left.
c) Fire to the middle.
d) Fire under the table.

Bormillio III

Co-ordinate Daniels to leap and fire somewhere.


a) Leap to your right.
b) Leap to your left.
c) Leap to the middle.
d) Leap under the table.

Galitsky II

a) Fire to your right.
b) Fire to your left.
c) Fire to the middle.
d) Fire under the table.


a) Leap to your right.
b) Leap to your left.
c) Leap to the middle.
d) Leap under the table.

Leaf II

a) Fire to your right.
b) Fire to your left.
c) Fire to the middle.
d) Fire under the table.


Co-ordinate your character, Nicolani, the drug dealer, and the other man that came in.
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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by Skunk_Giant » 22 Jul 2011, 05:24

Luis leaped backwards, firing straight down the middle as he flew back. He hit one of the Cheetahs, but not before paying a similar price. Another cheetah leaped into the middle and fired right at the spot Luis was leaping for. The bullet flew through his left arm and part of his body.
His vision went blurry, as he hit the floor hard, his gun flying from his hand. A cough escaped his mouth, and Luis yelled in pain. (-65HP)
Elias fired without looking towards the back right window, not hitting anyone, as he leaped towards the left. He looked up when he hit the ground as a Cheetah across the room aimed to his right, or Elias's left. The Cheetah was about to pull the trigger, when he was thrown back with blood in his neck. Elias scrambled for cover and waited for the shots to stop.
When they didn't, he took a look from his cover and found three of the Cheetahs still standing in the middle of the room, while one stood standing to Elias's left.
He turned to see who was standing on his side, and found everyone was still alive...
But where was Luis?
He took another look from his cover and found Luis lying motionless and red on the ground. He turned to the Cheetahs and instantly found the one who's gun was aimed at Luis, the one who had shot him.
Elias leaped up and fired at the man, but missed.

Luis (Playing as Elias)

a) Order a retreat.
b) Keep fighting!
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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Re: The Family - Positions Available! - Rated M

Post by aflycon » 22 Jul 2011, 05:27

B) - It's still on five on three.

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