The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

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The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by SneakyPie » 26 Apr 2011, 14:59


What is The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)?
The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience) is similar to the several other interactive forum posts seen around here (except this one is better) where you are presented a story with which you interact with characters you create. I provide the plot as a narrator and invite the participants to make their decisions based upon their character's attributes and background. With each choice, the story progresses, unraveling a tale which is engaging and memorable.

The story is taking place in England during the late 1800s in the Victorian Era.

How do I participate in The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)?
This particular story has room for up to eight people (if demand is high enough, I can move it up to 10). This happens on a first-come, first-serve basis. In order to participate, each of the eight people must create a character under these specifications:

Attributes: You are given a total of 30 points to spend on 9 different attributes with a maximum of 10 points in each attribute.
• Strength
• Endurance
• Constitution
• Intellect
• Sanity
• Dexterity
• Charisma
• Attractiveness
• Coping (How they deal with stress, etc)

Starting Gear: Your characters must start with items pertaining the story's setting in Victorian England. Characters that do not meet this requirement will start with nothing. Pictures are accepted. Example: Fountain Pen.

You are allowed to carry up to five objects at a time, but you are only allowed to start with three pocket-sized objects.

Starting Clothes: Self explanatory. Same rules apply. Pictures are accepted.

Physical Appearance: Are you a man or a woman? Tall or short? Please describe how your character appears. Pictures accepted.

Character Bio: Provide a brief background on your character's history and upbringing. Age can play an important role here so a strong back story can alter the story in that character's favor.

Name: Lastly, choose a name for your character.

When will The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience) begin?
The story will begin once we have eight ready characters. If demand is high enough, we can move up to ten players.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 26 Apr 2011, 15:30

Awesome, I'll create something now!

• Strength = 2
• Endurance = 3
• Constitution = 4
• Intellect = 6
• Sanity = 1
• Dexterity = 2
• Charisma = 5
• Attractiveness = 5
• Coping (How they deal with stress, etc) = 2

Starting Gear: My three starting objects are as follows:
Spoiler! :

A pocket sized revolver!


A monocle! Also available in silver!


A lovely figurine of the Virgin Mary!

Starting Clothes:

I will be dressed like this!
Spoiler! :

Physical Appearance: A male of slight build and tall frame, a man skilled in standing loftily whilst looking important.

Character Bio: He is a gentleman in his mid-40s, brought up in wealth, luxury, all the general comforts of a member of the landed gentry. He has spent most of his life enjoying himself and not particularly worrying about any matters of real importance. He was recently knighted thanks to family influence with notable members of society.

Name: Sir Hubert Fotherington Grimsworthy.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by XDelphi » 26 Apr 2011, 15:38

• Strength: 4
• Endurance: 5
• Constitution: 3
• Intellect: 6
• Sanity: 2
• Dexterity: 4
• Charisma: 1
• Attractiveness: 2
• Coping: 3

Starting Gear:
Spoiler! :
-Small pocket-knife within a fountain pen.

- Pocket Watch on a golden chain.
-£20 in £5s

Starting Clothes: Long brown coat, fairly roughed up. Top hat. Black shirt. Smart black shoes, and black trousers.

Physical Appearence: Tightly curled dark brown hair, stubble. Fairly pale, with peircing blue eyes. Lean, with strong, defined features. Tall, with a confident yet witheld air about him.

Character Bio: Leo was brought up in the rich part of London, but his parents often took no time for him, leaving him to teach himself the things a child should know growing up, the hard way. This experience of lonliness throughout his young life left him completely self-dependant, and extremely socially awkward, unable to interact with other humans in a way that comes naturally to most others. His conversations with others would be short, his speech quiet but clear. Independance filled him, and forced him to spend hours, days in the house's library; teaching himself a huge amount of information. He would sit, reading books while other children played, lonliness soon becoming his only friend. This made him extremely intelligent, but without companionship to share his knowledge with (or indeed the want for companionship) his mind was left to challenge itself to learn more, and retain everything.
This carried on throughout his teens, remaining alone. Interacting only when interaction must be had. Logic coursed through his being, no compassion or basic people skills to speak of.
At age 25 his skills of intelligence, and his parents' wealth, helped him become a little known inventor; Communicating his ideas through blueprints and schematics, often carrying around a few of his more useful devices. This is where he makes his little fortune, and at age 29 is where we pick up.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Sir_Luke » 26 Apr 2011, 15:48

Attributes: You are given a total of 30 points to spend on 9 different attributes.
• Strength 2
• Endurance 2
• Constitution 5
• Intellect 2
• Sanity 5
• Dexterity 2
• Charisma 2
• Attractiveness 4
• Coping (How they deal with stress, etc) 6

Starting Gear: Colt Navy revolver and 34 balls and powder.

Starting Clothes: Ragged brown overcoat (I think that's the name of the style), a white shirt, and ripped trousers.

Physical Appearance: Male, slightly tall, looks poor and hungry.

Character Bio: At the age of 26, he never really amounted to much in life. He spends most of his days looking for work and sleeping under houses and in ditches. He never did anything important in his life, he feels, worthless.

Name: Luke
Last edited by Sir_Luke on 26 Apr 2011, 16:38, edited 1 time in total.
It needs to be about, 20% cooler.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by vallorn » 26 Apr 2011, 16:28

first a quick question sneaky. will we be using the current decimalised monetary system of the old english monetary system?

Attributes: You are given a total of 30 points to spend on 9 different attributes.
• Strength 4
• Endurance 2
• Constitution 1
• Intellect 2
• Sanity "ho boy i forsee Chuthulhu" 3
• Dexterity 5
• Charisma 5
• Attractiveness 5
• Coping 3

Starting Gear: she carries a small pocket sized revolver in a hidden pouch, enough bullets for 18 extra shots shots and a long, extravagantly engraved knife hidden in a sheath within the folds of her coat.

Starting Clothes: she is dressed in scuffed tight fitting dark clothes and a long leather coat. she wears a large leather tricorn hat whose shadows cover her face at all times, she wears a highwayman's mask as well.

Physical Appearance: she is a slender but well muscled woman of medium height. she speaks with a mixture of noble and middle class dialects and has a highly attractive figure(something which she is not afraid of exploiting)

her hair is raven black and is kept in a tight ponytail with a heavy silver band at the end
beneath the mask: (for sneaky only)
Spoiler! :
her face is slender and a long scar curls up from the edge of her nose to near her ear, her nose itslef is slim and her lips are pale and share the same slender charecteristics. her high cheekbones indicate someone of good breeding
and her eyes are a flinty grey flecked with blue.

Character Bio: most of her early life is a mystery. all that is known is that she appeared several decades ago as a seller of information and illicit items of all kinds ESPECIALY the kind for far overseas. she has been sought by the british government since she sold some highly sensitive information and they have come very close to capturing her several times. she has managed to evade her pursuers in the past mainly though ingenuity and skill with her well cared for revolver.

Name: she goes by the name "the night informer" (sneaky if you want her real name just ask and il PM it to you)
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by OptimusHagrid » 27 Apr 2011, 12:14

• Strength - 5
• Endurance - 8
• Constitution - 2
• Intellect - 4
• Sanity - 1
• Dexterity - 2
• Charisma - 3
• Attractiveness - no
• Coping (How they deal with stress, etc) - 1

Starting gear: Hessian sack devoted to containment of hundreds of jellied eels in varying states of decay, an empty tinderbox

Appearance: Large build. Leather cap hides greasy black hair which has large patches missing. Wears a tattered tweed suit and a string vest stiff covered in various colourful patches – stiff with amount of horse-glue applied to it – these operate as pockets. Tattered black androgynous trousers, majority of the legs ripped to shreds by stray dogs hungry for eels, revealing ancient red and white striped pyjama bottoms underneath. Bare feet, callused from a lifetime of doddering around. Broken nose from when the smell of eels was starting to get to him.

Bernard Pies was a 54 year old tramp from Yorkshire who laboured in a coal mine as a child. At the age of six he struck a vein of gas, killing his canary. However he did not realise this until two weeks after its death, continually returning to the gas filled portion of the mine over the period of a fortnight to continue his work. This had a severe impact on the development of his brain, turning from a bright young lad into a gibbering, paranoid over-sensitive loon. By the age of eight he had spontaneously run away from home to seek fortune in Blackpool, where he luckily got a job selling jellied eels to passing tourists. He was fired from the job a week later after the orthodoxy of his selling techniques greatly and violently escalated, but this inspired him to hoard jellied eels in defence against those damn trolls. After having his pyjama bottoms cruelly insulted by his former boss he started a glum and lonely trek down south, until suddenly he ended up in London where he spent the rest of his life doing generic tramp stuff.

His countless years on the street have earned him a plethora of grifting and swindling techniques; however these can occasionally fail when he forgets not to speak his mental voice. He can also drop-kick an eel at the head of a cockney orphan 100 metres away. His behaviour is relatively mellow and heavy accent can be comprehended most of the time, however if he has been sufficiently offended by either a personal attack or a disagreement he will turn unpredictable, and his voice will slur into yelling, sobs and torrents of inaccurate slang.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Blackadder51 » 29 Apr 2011, 20:10


Name: Father Leonard Pencorn

Character Bio

A 43 year old priest, in which the last 30 were given to the church. He was a good man, inspired by the way around him and the feeling that he can fix anything The Church was the way to go. Masses, adultery, marriage the odd murder was the true life he found, a good man broken by the very desire he wanted. Still a good natured person he is hard to trust but loves all. He also is proficient at long range rifle shooting, and loves a good smoke.
Massive devoted to the church, and will swear by it.

Physical Appearance /Starting Clothes: As i have no imagination (and the fact its a priest) he looks/dresses like Father Ted
Spoiler! :
Starting Gear
: A Bible, Rosary Beads, A key to the Chapel

• Strength - 3
• Endurance - 6
• Constitution - 2
• Intellect - 3
• Sanity -2
• Dexterity - 2
• Charisma - 5
• Attractiveness - 3
• Coping - 4


Lets do this =D
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by 697134002 » 29 Apr 2011, 21:25

What, exactly, do you mean by Sanity?

• Strength 3
• Endurance 3
• Constitution 4
• Intellect 6
• Sanity 1
• Dexterity 5
• Charisma 2
• Attractiveness 3
• Coping 3

Starting Gear
1: Small Machete (I have a fairly deep pocket)
2: Hemlock-Filled Throwing Darts
3: A pocket-sized revolver

Starting Clothes
Outer Layer
-Dark, non-movement-restricting robe with black cape
-Black leather boots with chain links hidden between inner and outer layers
Middle Layer
-Light chainmail over chest and down to knees
-Dark pants
Inner Layer
-Soft but thick grey shirt
-Cotton underwear (It was just becoming mass-produced at that time)

Physical Appearance
-Thin, but not unhealthily so
-Short brown hair
-Light stubble

Spoiler! :
19 years old, he was born to a poor family in a poor neighbourhood of London. At age 11 his family was robbed of their few possessions by a group of thieves, and he swore that he would take vengeance on the thieves who had stolen from his family. At 13, he found a machete and used it to kill one of those very same thieves. Later that same month, he became the very thing he so despised, a thief. He broke into an old castle north of London and found hidden riches, which he sold to improve the wealth of his family. At 14, he commissioned a blacksmith to make light chainmail armour, to fit the specifications mentioned in the Clothes section above. Each year, he got it mended to fit his new height until he stopped growing. When he turned 19, he struck out from home, making a living as an assassin. He also adopted his own, new, name when he left his family. His change in name may be because he is, quite simply, insane.


Edit: Wait, what? The average sanity is 2... I think we should have 45 point to spend, so we can have 5 as the mean average of all of the stats rather than 3.333333333333333333333333333
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by KaosuHamoni » 30 Apr 2011, 05:27

• Strength 4
• Endurance 3
• Constitution 2
• Intellect 7
• Sanity 0
• Dexterity 7
• Charisma 1
• Attractiveness 3
• Coping (How they deal with stress, etc) 3

Starting Gear:
A Webley & Scott MK IV Revolver, circa 1887, chambered in .455 Webley, with ornate engravings, one full magazine of hollowpoint rounds, and one magazine spare. (This is a rather powerful pistol, and hollowpoints are man-stopper rounds, almost always incapacitating a target.)
With engravings like these. ... irgate.jpg

Here's the gun ... A23179.jpg

A 17th century hilted dagger, like the one pictured in the link, however, with the same style of engravings as the pistol. ... dagger.jpg

Lastly, an antique, silver ring, with a large, inlayed sapphire. This is a family heirloom, first owned by his great, great grandfather. This is one of the only thing people recognize him by.

Starting Clothes: He wears a large, black, ankle-length overcoat, with deep pockets, genuine silver trim, and silver swirling ornamentations on the collar, which is particularly high, and obscures the lower portion of his face. Also, he wears simple black trousers and boots, and a black fedora hat, which also partially obscures his face. (The fedora was originally created in 1891, which is late Victorian.)

Physical Appearance: He is a graceful, lithe man of 29, with broad shoulders, mid-long black, straight hair, which has silver (genuinely, bright metallic silver, not grey) streaks running through it, and dark, Han Purple eyes. He is about 5" 9, and has a horrifically disfiguring scar, running from the left edge of his mouth, to the upper tip of his ear, although, he looks as if he were obviously handsome, before the scar. his clothes and hat obscure his face, so that only his hair, eyes, and the bridge of his nose can be seen.

Character Bio: Having grown up in a large, wealthy family, he had it all. Until he was 12. One warm summer's evening, a robbery of his estate went wrong, his parents were both killed, and he was slashed across the face by one of the thieves knives. In disarray, he became the master of the estate, and all of his parents belongings. Living off the large family fortune, he became reclusive. Solitary. After several years, he traveled to university, where he began learning medicine and surgery. At 20, he left university, and went home. He practiced his arts for 5 years, and became extremely skilled in his profession, until his house and estate was razed to the ground in an act of arson. With only his father's coat, pistol, dagger and ring, he receded into the criminal underworld, and threw off his former name in place of a new one. Now, at 29, he is a renowned thief and assassin, well known for being ruthless as he is stern. He uses his medical precision with everything he does, from picking locks to placing a well-aimed bullet in a mark's temple. Hardly anyone knows his former identity, and those who do, are very closely trusted. People fear his dark, straightforward demenour, as well as his reputation, however, while not being personable or traditionally handsome, after a while people warm to his and enjoy his company. he is an extremely emotional person, and they govern his actions. Also, while he is horribly scarred, he is attractive in an unconventional, mysterious sense, and, after being alone for so long, he yearns for some intimate, meaningful relationship with a partner.

Being extremely disfigured, and mentally scarred, his intelligent, introverted personality is warped somewhat, and he occasionally undergoes bouts of homicidal, schizophrenic rage, in which he feels no pain, and has complete disregard for human life, while retaining his incredible intellect and precision, however for the most part, he is a very reasonable, quick-thinking, sharp individual.

Name: Alucard Silverheart (This is a pseudonym)
Last edited by KaosuHamoni on 01 May 2011, 07:55, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Pinmissile » 30 Apr 2011, 07:21

I was originally gonna go with the "Alcoholic priest", but Black's already a priest and I reckon one religious nut is enough for any group.

I see a lot of people are picking assassins and criminals, I'll just have to introduce some form of conflict.

Ex-police inspector!


• Strength - 3
• Endurance - 2
• Constitution - 3
• Intellect - 4
• Sanity - 6
• Dexterity - 3
• Charisma - 2
• Attractiveness - 2
• Coping - 5

Starting Gear:

A journal, which have chronicled his investigations for the past three years, and a fountain pen.
Spoiler! :

Starting Clothes:

He wears a white shirt and a worn out grey vest, much like your typical police inspector (Without the coat), however it's obvious his clothes have been given little care as of the recent weeks.

Physical Appearance:

A man at the age of 27, he's got short, brown coloured hair. He's got a thin layer of stubble covering his face, he's not shaven for a week.
Physically, he's fit, but not distinguishably strong or large. He's 1.75 meters (5.7 feet) tall.

Character Bio:

Oscar Lanegan was your regular police inspector, having spent the most of his adult life within the force as a forensic detective, he grew accustomed to the life of solving mysteries, to constantly doubt and to actively seek the truth.

He's seen and investigated the worst that the criminal underworld has to offer, men and women reduced to mere shadows of their former selves by opium abuse, children murdered by their parents and men who have gone on murderous rampages because of greed, lust or insanity. At first, Oscar would attempt to drown these horrors by consuming large amounts of alcohol.
Being a forensic detective and having seen the consequences of alcoholism, this was a most shameful vice. While these experiences have forever embittered him, they have taught him to deal with situations beyond most men, where many would buckle from the horrors he's seen, Oscar's mind was eventually hardened.

Oscar eventually found an outlet for his alcoholism in his career, solving mysteries and putting the men and women who (In his eyes) drove him to drink made sure he wouldn't regress back to alcoholism.

However, he would eventually find himself to be without work. Oscar Lanegan was dishonourably discharged for being caught several times drinking on duty. Now, he spends his time as a drunk, still dressed in his old but worn out police attire.

While being able to cope and adjust to almost any situation mentally, Oscar can't stand not working with the law, He'll regress into alcoholism, a thing he despises, whenever he finds himself in such a situation.

Oscar Lanegan

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by arogon343 » 30 Apr 2011, 08:56

• Strength :4
• Endurance :3
• Constitution :3
• Intellect :6
• Sanity :1
• Dexterity :3
• Charisma :4
• Attractiveness :4
• Coping :2

Starting Gear: my character shall have these items:
@ a standard revolver, with 12 bullets (6 in the gun and 6 spare)
@ Narcotics (3 vials)
@ a small notepad with pen

Starting Clothes: Black suit with a top hat and cane, something like this...

Physical Appearance: same as in the picture, brown hair, blue eyes, noticeable limp on left leg

Character Bio: current age is 44. Slightly anti social. Selfish. Had a hard childhood, Father was shot when he was a child and his mother sent him to a boarding school where he was bullied. At 23 he finished university at Oxford and started his career as a scientist. He didn't find much work but instead he used his skills to earn money helping anyone do anything. His jobs have gotten him in a few bad situations and in one such occasion he was shot in the leg and now has a limp. will do anything that could get him recognized as a successful scientist. Always trying to impress people. Known for drug abuse.

Name: Dr Barclay Albert Frederickson
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by SneakyPie » 30 Apr 2011, 14:16

Wow, we have ten eager players!

I will begin the process soon. Please refrain from posting until I update.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by SneakyPie » 01 May 2011, 15:06

Chapter One - Wake Up
You feel almost weightless. It's an unusual feeling for you. Your movements have become sluggish yet everything around you is moving at a normal speed. This doesn't worry you however, it's a peaceful experience, an almost sense of being sublime. It's something you never want to end. You could sleep forever.

The bright flash of light wakes you, followed by muffled noises and intense shaking. You immediately think of an earthquake, and instinctively move your arms to protect yourself to protect your face. You're still too sluggish. You're eyes open to water. You are drowning. Panic fills you and you begin to thrash to bring yourself to the surface only to find glass. You're inside something, something encased in glass. You catch another glimpse of bright light followed by more shaking, this time more intense. The water shifts and you feel off balance. You close your eyes waiting for the impact.

Your eyes open and struggle to adjust against the flashing red lights. You are lying in puddles of water surrounded by a giant glass cylinder. You crawl out from the glass debris and rise to your feet. balancing yourself against the wall. You see more broken cylinders on the ground surrounded by water. You are not alone. The others begin to stir and get up themselves. Everyone is silent as they study each other as well as studying the room you are in.

You count ten people altogether including yourself. It's time to figure out what is going on. You approach the others with the intention of finding out who they are and why you're here. You can't trust them. They could be responsible somehow.

Electric lights suddenly turn on and the small, red lights shut off. One of the others lets out a small cry obviously startled by the sudden change. You take this time to look around the room. There are dozens of glass cylinders lining either wall. Some of them have fallen and broken while the majority remained intact. You look back at where yours was and find another two standing in place where yours used to be. There are other people inside them. Upon more examination of the cylinders, you notice that each one has a long cable that extends from the top of each one and stretches across to the end of the long room, meeting together at the top of a massive metal box.

The box easily takes up the entire back wall. Little lights flash around the surface of it making it appear to react to something. What appears to be a door can be seen on the right face of it. There is nothing else in view or seemingly interesting about the box.

On the opposite wall of the metal box would be an empty wall except for another metal door. There are no handles or knobs on this door but there does appear to be some kind of switch to the right of it.

You become aware of the other people again and decide to see if they know anything and to determine where you are and to figure out what exactly you are going to do.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by vallorn » 01 May 2011, 15:13

i go over to the box and examine it more closely.
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by KaosuHamoni » 01 May 2011, 15:42

As I slide across the sodden floor, I gather some glass in my hair. I rise and ruffle my locks, as the lights flash on. I shield my eyes, and draw my Webley revolver. As my eyes adjust, I notice other people, shocked by the light, taking a little longer to adjust. I hastily holster my pistol, help up a gentlemanly sort of man, and retrieve my fedora from the floor, when I notice the box, and the door. I remove one of my sodden, leather gloves, and run my hands along the door. As I feel the abnormally smooth surface, I turn around, unsheathe my dagger, and hide it in my sleeve.

I don't like this. Not one bit...
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Blackadder51 » 01 May 2011, 16:18

Holding on to my Rosary beads, whilst muttering a "Hail Mary", I slowly walk forward, ignoring those around me to examine the box.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by 697134002 » 01 May 2011, 19:11

I examine the people around me, judging their fighting capacity, and take out my machete. I cautiously walk towards the box, avoiding getting near anyone except the priest, judging him to be the most pacifistic.
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 01 May 2011, 22:14

Amusingly enough, I'm not particularly bothered by my present situation. I've awoken in far stranger places in the aftermath of the average Bullingdon Club occasion. Priorities must be set though, and so I adjust my monocle (also available in silver), before calling for a valet to come and unruffle my clothing. When no such valet appears, I become unimpressed at the appalling service, but little else.

I am also repulsed by the many people around me that appear to have dark and unfortunate pasts. I literally have nothing to stand on by way of a conversation starter, which is quite distressing.

Nevertheless, I proceed to look lofty and unapproachable in the hope that some decent service will be along soon.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Pinmissile » 01 May 2011, 22:44

While noticing the box, Oscar decided to leave that mystery for the moment, it seemed dormant and unmoving, quite unlike the other nine people that now surrounded him. Commoners, a few noblemen, even a priest and what seemed to be the strangest man he had ever seen, dressed in a strange silver lined coat, wearing an oddly coloured head of hair (Possibly a wig), and donning what seemed to be a woman's hat. Oscar was quick to suspect this strange individual.

Fumbling for his journal and pen nestled deep within his pockets, Oscar began to scribble down notes and draw pictures of his surroundings. After getting his bearings, he raised his head from the journal's pages and mustered the spirit to talk.

"Where in the blazes are we?"

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by arogon343 » 02 May 2011, 08:36

I shall stand up quietly, brushing my self off and wringing my gloves and coat. as i lean against the wall for support i shall draw and check my revolver to make sure it is not too wet, and return it to its holster. i shall then examine the room and the other people present. I have been in far worse situations. I will decide to calm my nerves and take a sip from to my drugs to ease the tension. Limping over to the next wall or glass case towards to mysterious machine. I shall turn to the nearest person.
"fancy lending a hand old boy? Im in somewhat of a sticky wicket and cant seem to locate my walking stick... OH yes and where in blazes are we?!"
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by XDelphi » 02 May 2011, 09:24

I wipe myself off, checking my equipment. All is well, and I proceed to realise that I am trapped in a room with other people, and no means of getting out or escaping a conversational encounter with one of these 9 people.
Just as I am thinking this, a man with a slightly unkempt beard limps over to me and begins to fire questions at me, and I begin to get nervous. With no books or any literature around to study and bury my woes in, I know I must engage in conversation, and try to end it as soon as possible. At this point I am extremely uncomfortable. I utter a small "I Do not know what is going on, or who you are, leave me be." and proceed to draw my dagger from my pen and conceal it up my long sleeve, just in case this man appears to be a threat, despite his appearence, and obviously hampered physical abilities.
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by Sir_Luke » 02 May 2011, 09:34

Noticing that I'm trapped in a room with 9 other people. I draw my revolver and fire four balls into the wall and start smashing it with the grip on my gun, in total panic.
It needs to be about, 20% cooler.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by SneakyPie » 02 May 2011, 09:44

Just an FYI, the next part will not continue until each participant has posted something. We are now waiting on Hagrid.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by KaosuHamoni » 02 May 2011, 09:47

As the first shot is fired, I start sprinting, drawing my Webley as I run.

He starts smashing the wall, and I pivot on the ball of my foot, bringing the hilt of my dagger smashing into the space between his shoulder blades. I grab him from behind, holding the gun to his head, and the knife to his neck, before kicking the gun out of his hand, and screaming...


As my voice reverberates around the room, I attempt to quell my rage. Geez, people are stupid.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by vallorn » 02 May 2011, 10:17

hearing the shots i dive behind a cylinder and draw my knife and gun.

i back into the crowds of cylinders scanning from side to side with the gun while i keep the knife in a blocking position to protect myself.
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by XDelphi » 02 May 2011, 10:25

Spoiler! :
Umm, guys? Don't we have to wait for Sneaky (Therefore Hagrid) to continue the story before we post again?

Dupe Edit!: Characters are usually free to converse with each other while waiting fot the story to progress. It gives them a chance to develop their characters, and the relationships between them.
Also, OOC posts go in spoilers. :)
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by vallorn » 02 May 2011, 10:29

Spoiler! :
XDelphi wrote:Umm, guys? Don't we have to wait for Sneaky (Therefore Hagrid) to continue the story before we post again?
considering how short my first one was i though i should expand.
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by KaosuHamoni » 02 May 2011, 10:31

Spoiler! :
XDelphi wrote:Umm, guys? Don't we have to wait for Sneaky (Therefore Hagrid) to continue the story before we post again?
I'd already finished my post, when Sneaky posted.
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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by OptimusHagrid » 02 May 2011, 10:39

I was still recovering from the sudden change in environment, the intense, unnatural lighting still irritating my sinuses while I was wobbling around in a sort of soporific trance, not entirely dissimilar to when I first arrived in Blackpool in the dead of night, the neon creating a brilliant contrast against the dead of the nigh sk-*BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM*

The bursting of my eardrums immediately drew me from my nostalgic trance and I scrambled towards the nearest piece of cover, behind the base of a glass tube. I immediately drew out the tinderbox, opened it and drew it to my nose for the 5810st time. The familiar smell of cordite, dust and vapour from the mines filled my nostrils, sending a wave of tranquillity and content through my skull, soon calming down.

With a level head I tried to assess the situation. Everyone else in the room was a poncy git, no doubt with plenty of rich pickings. They seemed pretty angry though over something so it wouldn't be so wise to befriend them right now. Also, my eels were wet, and their increased weight would no doubt have adverse effects on my throwing trajectories, making me angry.

Then I vomited.

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Re: The Machine (An Interactive Story Experience)

Post by SneakyPie » 02 May 2011, 10:51

The four shots from the gun slammed into the wall, tearing holes through anything that stood in their path. This included a large pipe filled with very flammable liquids. The first bullet punctured the pipe spitting out the contents with alarming force. The remaining bullets cause the liquid to ignite. Fire immediately spreads to the pipe.
Spoiler! :
The explosion takes out the wall in it's entirety. The force and debris easily overtake the many remaining cylinders causing them to fall and shatter adding more to the debris. Shrapnel of all kinds rip through the air passing through anything it comes in contact with. The room is engulfed in flames. Other explosions are heard and the floor shifts. Walls begin to fall and the floor collapses. Apparently the large pipe extended well through out the complex. The complex collapses from the inside out and turns into nothing more than rubble as smoke pours out into the sky.

Spoiler! :
Everyone dies.

The End
Spoiler! :
Seriously. The End.

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