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Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 10:41
by Modocam
This is probably about a year late but I thought I should educate people on my existence.
Most people who took the time to know me know my love for TNT, my urge to see the world burn and my hobby of dragon killing. All though I still like seeing people's builds sometimes, especially the more individual ones. When I first started I lived in a house with a burning roof, on a cobble platform over the ocean, I eventually turned that into a small town after sgtwisky decided to join me. We have been building exotic builds ever since,my second house was a giant wolf and my current home is an airship. That's pretty much my story, leave any questions you would like to ask or statements you would like to make.

Re: Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 13:51
by Zinrius
Welcome back Modocam :)

Re: Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 18:09
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Why your skin so creepy?!?!

Re: Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 10:42
by Modocam
Well, depends which part you callin creepy. I have ender scars on my face cause I like killing endermen/dragons. I have fire coming from hands and legs cause I'm immortal.. :D I that's not the creepy stuff then what is creepin you?

Re: Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 20:29
by vallorn
you think his is creepy? let me go fetch Flux04's skin.

Re: Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 22 Sep 2012, 21:29
by welwyn
You never met collin did you?

Re: Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 11:25
by MayorLennie
Modocam my friend you were the first player to kill me in PVP and you tested my mettle as a new moderator

Ill never forget how excited you were when Borjan opened and how you ventured further than anyone to find the mushroom biome

Your animal breeding operations are legendary and you're always joining in the server events

I'm glad you're still here I've been away for sooooo long and you're part of the community I've missed so much

Happy Minecrafting Modo ill be seeing ya around the worlds....


Re: Meet the Modo (very late)

Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 11:47
by Modocam
Aww thx Len, that men's a lot, hope to see you round the server soon. My internets gone derpy so I might not be around for a small while, but anyways, what you said, means alot... Thanks